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Black Ops 1 Kino Der Toten Solo Strategy

  1. I do this with two people and i think it might work with two but what i do is for the first few rounds shoot zombes with your pistol then knife (you can shoot them 6 times on round one #7 kills them if you shoot the stommach.) then when you have 3250 or more (I get there at about round three with two people.) then go upstairs and through the two doors to the room with the striker in it and buy it then sit in there for a few rounds (I dont know solo but with two put one at the door and window at top of the stairs and the other downstairs) then open the next door and the other to get to the theater. (In the theater do not open the curtains unless you need to run then open it and do laps) in the stage area get the claymores and set one at each window as an early warning then guard the door sometimes checking the window close to you to help keep the claymore there longer. sit in there for a few rounds then open the curtain right at the end of a level and go and get the juggernog and run laps and spend money as you want but if you get enough money (I cant remember how much) open the downstairs from the main room and go all the way through there (this helps to run laps if you start to get cornered and i just keep going from there.

    (I dont know how well this works with one person but i get to about seventeen with me and my brother but we are not the best. i get to about 15 by myself.)

    the_best_fisher - 10 years ago 0 0

  2. Just run in a circle around the whole map and loop this is good for kino der toten

    galirra - 10 years ago 0 0

  3. Here's what I do and it get's me pretty far.

    Maximize your points by putting in bullets in the zombie then finishing them with the knife, you are most likely to get a max ammo drop.
    Open the top door (just because I love the MP40), then the door after that. Buy either the Stakeout or the MP40
    Camp in that room until you have about 5000 points. Open the two doors that lead to the stage and turn on the power. Juggernaut is always a first priority.
    From there, I suggest you run around on the stage and mob up zombies. It's a great way to hoarde points and I think NextGenTactics did a strategy guide on something like that. It's basically run around the stage and shoot at them when you feel it's appropriate. Just don't open the door to the ally. God, please don't.

    Polopolo206 - 10 years ago 0 0

  4. Go to youtube and search The Syndacate Project he has a lot of german zombie related videos and solo tuturials that are easy to follow.

    lolzzzzzz21 - 10 years ago 0 0

  5. I have one for Five if you have offline just jump on the table and camp if u run out of ammo (which is very likely) just make and crawler and jump off the table and go through the doors and turn on the power and get the rwb and pack a punch the best weapon you can get then just do whatever. If u have online then when you start get quick revive first thing knife until you get 500 and buy the olympia, then just keep killin and get 750 open the door and the next ( make sure you leave 1 zombie when you go down the elevator so u dont go down and get cornered inside the elevator) kill him and get enough points to buy the mp5k after that i used a glitch that probably isnt patched ( its the one past the 2nd elevator on the first left at the barrier on the end and make sure you turn on the power so you can kill the !Spoiler! Scientist) once you kill him go to the pack a punch since its only 1000 and thats where i died. hope that helps :D

    Raptor5424 - 10 years ago 1 1

  6. Well I do know strategies for Kino, but not Five. I would stay in the spawn of Kino until the dogs appear. Don't forget to by the m14 or Olympia. When the dogs appear, the first door upstairs for 750, and the second door for 1,000. Purchase the Stacker shotgun and try to hold up there for 2 rounds. Then if you have enough, buy the 2 doors through the dressing room, turn on the power, hold up, and buy juggernog and Quick revive. Keep Running around the mansion, and try to keep the zombies right behind you. Activate traps when its probably level 25. Don't forget to use the teleporter!

    Ponyboy15 - 10 years ago 0 1

  7. Ok, first try to stay with teammeates at ALL times. The zombies come from all directions so stay in closed areas. DO NOT reach the mutant dog room. They will rip your whole team to shreds in like two minutes. Don't pick up the Olympia. It takes to long to reaload and it has not enough ammo. Try to melee kill as little as possible because they kill you easily and sometimes a knife won't kill them on the first shot. I know everyone says go for the bonus room but, do you want to live or get your ass handed to you by the undead and killer mutant dogs?Thnx and good luck!

    blackhawk579 - 10 years ago 0 2

Black Ops 1 Kino Der Toten Solo Strategy
